- 世界レベルのジャーナルの要求を満たす文法チェックと専門用語チェックのスキル
- 著者の意図をくみ取り、論文として最適な論理構造を提案するスキル
- 日本人の癖の熟知:エディテージの一番のお客様は日本人です。日本人の癖は熟知しているため、他の校正会社では誤解されるような英語もエディテージの校正者であれば、本来の意図をくみ取り英文校正いたします。
R. W.
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 4
出版経験 99%
満足度 I began editing in college, when I helped first-year students improve their essays for the mandatory...
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 4
出版経験 99%
満足度 I began editing in college, when I helped first-year students improve their essays for the mandatory...
M. D.
Sydney, Australia 2
出版経験 95%
満足度 I am an avid reader and a regular haunt on popular science websites to keep me updated on the most e...
Sydney, Australia 2
出版経験 95%
満足度 I am an avid reader and a regular haunt on popular science websites to keep me updated on the most e...
M. M.
Tampa, Florida, USA 5
出版経験 98%
満足度 My unquenchable yearning for debate, effective communication, and flavorful language was cultivated ...
Tampa, Florida, USA 5
出版経験 98%
満足度 My unquenchable yearning for debate, effective communication, and flavorful language was cultivated ...
M. B.
Panama 1
出版経験 99%
満足度 I have enjoyed working as a medical writer and editor for the past 5 years. During this time, I have...
Panama 1
出版経験 99%
満足度 I have enjoyed working as a medical writer and editor for the past 5 years. During this time, I have...
M. S.
Tallahasse, Florida, USA 1
出版経験 100%
満足度 I am a writer and teacher of English, rhetoric, and history. I subscribe to several journals in the ...
Tallahasse, Florida, USA 1
出版経験 100%
満足度 I am a writer and teacher of English, rhetoric, and history. I subscribe to several journals in the ...
M. M.
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa 8
出版経験 96%
満足度 I am passionate about research—my own research as well as the research of others. I derive great p...
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa 8
出版経験 96%
満足度 I am passionate about research—my own research as well as the research of others. I derive great p...
L. L.
Santa Monica, California, United States of America 10
出版経験 98%
満足度 Editorial work is usually behind the scenes and sometimes not even credited, but I find it to be sti...
Santa Monica, California, United States of America 10
出版経験 98%
満足度 Editorial work is usually behind the scenes and sometimes not even credited, but I find it to be sti...
L. C.
Los Angeles, CA, USA 20
出版経験 90%
満足度 Editing articles for scientists who do not speak English as a first language is a very rewarding exp...
Los Angeles, CA, USA 20
出版経験 90%
満足度 Editing articles for scientists who do not speak English as a first language is a very rewarding exp...
K. D.
Rochester, NY, USA 8
出版経験 97%
満足度 I am trained as a clinical psychologist to be a researcher and clinician. I currently spend much of ...
Rochester, NY, USA 8
出版経験 97%
満足度 I am trained as a clinical psychologist to be a researcher and clinician. I currently spend much of ...
K. M. D.
Panama, Republic of Panama 20
出版経験 99%
満足度 I am a medical writer at heart, so I find that Editing keeps my Medical Writing skills alive. I am c...
Panama, Republic of Panama 20
出版経験 99%
満足度 I am a medical writer at heart, so I find that Editing keeps my Medical Writing skills alive. I am c...